Feasting on Pancake House bestsellers and cakes by Tata Lantin of Macarose Bakeshop—mocha for humans and pork liver for the dogs
I hosted a long overdue Sunday merienda for family and friends.
I rid myself of the headache of having to do everything myself. There are days when I simply wish to enjoy our gatherings, stress-free.
I was craving for merienda classics, and as such, opted for Pancake House.
Our menu consisted of the old-time favorites: tacos, spaghetti and chicken. I had some pancakes and waffles, too, with a side of country sausages—a favorite of my son Diego.
The last time I had Pancake House cater for me was during one of Diego’s birthdays. If I remember right, it was before he turned 7. That was ages ago. He is now 19.
I called to inquire and was pleased to learn from Mark Gamboa of Pancake House that their catering service has taken a bolder and fresher approach.
Whenever possible, the dishes are all prepared onsite, on the spot, to guarantee freshness.
I don’t know what it was, but everything that day turned out to be extraordinarily delicious.
The minute I tasted the tacos that were assembled before me and the spaghetti, I knew that I made the right decision. Both were just as I expected, but much better.
The waffles were golden brown, hot and crisp, while the mini-pancakes were ultra-soft and fluffy.
The chicken nuggets that are new to the menu were also delicious.
I glanced at my family and friends and, just like I was, their palates too were reliving familiar and comforting flavors with every bite. There is really nothing like newly cooked food.
I must admit that the constant improvements made by Pancake House are evident in their food and their service.
It was intimated that the unstoppable Max’s Group is now working toward a one-stop shop for all their brands.
Soon, a mix-and-match catering concept will be made available where we can savor Pancake House bestsellers, Yellow Cab’s Dear Darla, some Krispy Kreme and Max’s fried chicken, all in one spread.

Dog party
Our Sunday bonding session turned out to be a dog party when I asked my family members and friends to bring their dogs so we could also celebrate Chucky’s first birthday.While I refused to cook for people, I cooked for Chucky and his pals. I made dog meatballs with dog gravy served with pasta, for Chucky’s long life.
What is a party without cake? So I phoned my student Tata Lantin of Macarose Bakeshop. Tata is my preferred cake maker.
For us humans, she made my favorite mocha cake, as I requested. Her cakes are always so, so soft. Her frostings, never sweet. They are always just right, regardless of the flavor.

She also made a dog-appropriate cake, with dog-friendly ingredients, for Chucky and his friends.
Tata initially chuckled and said, “I have not really made a cake for dogs.” She’s experimented a few times, though, with her Maltese as her taste tester.
Not one to buckle, she took on the challenge. Her dog cake was made with pork liver, carrots, eggs and honey. The icing was sweet potato moistened with a tinge of honey. The dogs loved it.
Some of my guests thought that Chucky’s cake and birthday spaghetti were for humans. Those in the know kept tight-lipped. This allowed us to giggle a little longer, before confessing that they were for the four-legged and not the two-legged guests.
That Sunday afternoon was one of the happiest I’ve ever witnessed. Everyone pitched in to make it memorable. My sister Cristy and cousin Suzette decorated my kitchens with balloons. My cousin Raul had dog games … that flopped.
Fr. Manoling Francisco, a dear friend and co-“pawrent,” who joined us that afternoon with his fur babies Hapi and Tala, described the gathering as a thanksgiving celebration for the gift of life for all of God’s creatures, big and small. INQCall Tata at tel. 0998-9620312.
Follow @iamreggieaspiras on Instagram and Facebook; visit reggieaspiras.com.

Reggie Aspiras has been writing her food column Kitchen Rescue for Inquirer Lifestyle since 2003. Her columns have been collected in three books released in 2005, 2007 and 2011.